123Guestbook.com will be shutting down on the 1st of July. Learn more

12:41pm 04-27-2024
Nice website! its been very long since i saw a cool website like yours
4:37pm 01-25-2024
9:58pm 12-13-2023
Sorry about the copy message. That was by accident and I apologize. Do hope to hear from you. Love ya!
6:24pm 12-13-2023
I am interested in a Commission from you Star โญ๏ธ
Fun art, love your web page which is coming up nicely โค๏ธ
Do you also like Rock Melon? (That’s what they call Cantaloupe or Honeydew Melon ๐Ÿˆ๐Ÿ’š๐Ÿงก)
6:22pm 12-13-2023
I am interested in a Commission from you Star โญ๏ธ
Fun art, love your web page which is coming up nicely โค๏ธ
Do you also like Rock Melon? (That’s what they call Cantaloupe or Honeydew Melon ๐Ÿˆ๐Ÿ’š๐Ÿงก)
5:36am 11-16-2023
Do you like parappa and umjammer lammy this gives hell vibes from those
12:53pm 11-13-2023
Darth Ligma
Absolute lad, love your work and your adorable website. I hope it stays up until the end of time.
12:18pm 11-11-2023
My Melody is my wife
9:22pm 11-08-2023
The Mass traitor
If toasters toast toast and blenders blend blend then shouldn't panters pant pans? Like really it should since it makes senseand if you disagree theen you dumb dumb poopy face
2:07pm 11-06-2023
6:06am 10-20-2023
Zerkin Off
5:43pm 10-11-2023
Im in my bathroom jerking it rn
7:47am 09-19-2023
When will that faq thing be not under construction, also what even is it
2:32am 08-28-2023
Is there anywhere like a Patreon where I could support you?
1:34am 08-23-2023
autistic lifter
Messages: 1 until 15 of 64.
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